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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Yesterday at my day job as a Helpdesk Support Analyst for Delta Faucet Company, I had the pleasure of meeting several bloggers that cover varying aspects of DIY.

I and several coworkers who are makers of various items from upcycled old furniture, to musical instruments, to pens and jewelry had the opportunity to visit with them in a round table discussion and talk about the things we make and our inspirations for them. At the same time we learned several thing from them about blogging and the beneficial connections you can make through connecting with others and writing about things you have knowledge and insights about.

Some of those I had the pleasure to meet and their own blogs can be seen at the links below.

Danni Hong -

Larry Bilotti - editor for

Doug Latham -

Lisa Vail - writes for

    and has her own blog at:

Brittni Mehlhoff -

Sarah Dorsey -

Virginia Saint -

Amy Nowak -

I also had the pleasure of making one of the gifts Delta presented to them during their stay. Below is the completed lineup before wrapping them up for delivery. I was also an appropriate color for the upcoming 4th of July holiday!

Delta had many other great treats and experiences for them during their stay that I wasn't a part of, but I was honored for the small part I did get to play in the event.

Monday, June 25, 2012

76Winger's photostream


View my Flickr Photostream for more insights to my woodworking and penmaking.

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A Comparison

A Comparison
Various Pen styles and their comparitive sizes